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Showing posts with the label The 10 Vital Functions of the Liver: the Body's Detox Powerhouse

10 Vital Functions of the Liver: the Body's Detox Powerhouse

  The 10 Vital Functions of the Liver: the Body's Detox Powerhouse Introduction The liver, often overlooked, is one of the most essential organs in the human body. Nestled just under the ribcage, it plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health. From detoxifying harmful substances to aiding in digestion, the liver ensures that the body functions smoothly. This blog will dive into the liver’s top 10 functions, shedding light on how this organ is essential for our well-being. (Provide backlinks to reputable medical and health websites like Mayo Clinic and WebMD for detailed references on liver health.) 1. Detoxification The liver is the body’s primary detoxification center. It filters the blood coming from the digestive tract before it passes to the rest of the body. The liver removes toxins, alcohol, drugs, and chemicals, converting them into less harmful substances or substances that can be eliminated by the body. To better understand the detoxification process, visit WebMD&